Hi, I am trying to query an associated model via an include. I want to return only the models of the matched parents, returning only the first match of the children.
hook.params.sequelize = {
### Steps to reproduce
Generate a fresh TypeScript feathers project and opt for Mongoose as the database connection.
To workaround this issue: https://github.com/feathersjs/feathers/issues/2474
Idea from a discussion on #general
"Say you get a `CREATE` request for IDs `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`. You call `FIND` with those IDs which tells you that IDs 3 and 5 already exist. You'd then call `PATCH` …
### Steps to reproduce
Configure any application to use Socketio. Let the client connect to the server via websockets.
app.configure(socketio(function (io) {
### Steps to reproduce
(First please check that this issue is not already solved as [described
I'm wonder if would it be possible to add a retry mechanism to this package when we try to connect rabbitMQ or redis
What do you think?
Context: I've been trying to find examples/guides that might go over creating realtime charts and dashboards with FeathersJS to figure out how to make aggregated properties update in realtime with the…
It seems like the notation `$nested.query$` is no longer working? I'm getting an error in the `filter-query` adapter commons.
For example:
query: {
### Steps to reproduce
1. Generated a clean app with TypeScript enabled
```feathers generate app```
2. Generate a new service with
```feathers generate service``` and choose KnexJS as service …
### Steps to reproduce
I am creating two Workers using `cluster`, the Main thread does not expose a port, just controls the Workers
I used the basic implementation of this library, I configure it …