Updated Emacs to latest and compiled from https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs (master branch)
After launching I can see long error messages log:
Package cl is deprecated
Failed to load defer…
intpl updated
3 years ago
I can't seem to preview latex fragments in org-mode. This is what happens:
**What did you expect to happen?**
Pressing `TAB` in eshell after `find-file ` or `e ` should give completions.
**What actually happened?**
Emacs outputs `Wrong type argument: stringp, nil`…
### `brew gist-logs ` link OR `brew config` AND `brew doctor` output
$ brew config
ORIGIN: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew
HEAD: 13f508d0dc8ada1726ee09a750285d…
Hi there and thank you for a great evil emacs experience :)
I've noticed that org-mode in doom self-closes any emphasis tags, e.g. type `*|` and you'll see `*|*` immediately (also `_|` → `_|_`; `/|…
hi, i just noticed that.
press [SPC b b] or [SPC ,] when you have multiple buffers and then Ctrl-K -> Instead of moving up, it kills buffer under cursor.
intpl updated
3 years ago
**Actual Behaviour**
I have the error :
WebSocket connection to 'the url' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' header value 'graphql-ws' in response does no…
Please provide the following information:
* Your python version (`python -V`): PyPy 7.3.3 with Python (3.6.12)
* Your pip version (`pip -V`):
* If this isn't the [latest pip version](https:/…
Could you allow morpheus-graphql to support megaparsec 9 please?
This is currently blocking Stackage Nightly from updating to megaparsec-9: commercialhaskell/stackage#5632
I've set the following envs: