I have a uINS rugged module mounted on my ground vehicle ([like so](https://i.postimg.cc/2jThrq3J/PXL-20220222-010554408-2.jpg)) and I am having trouble getting the absolute orientation from…
WDYT? Is this publication in scope?
author = {Sung-Ming Yen and Joye, M.},
doi = {10.1109/12.869328},
issn = {0018-9340},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers…
1. Download the npm
2. Follow the standard procedures to edit the file, with username, password and magnet link.
3. Run the js.
4. It keeps showing Download progress: 0%
5. This issue is replicab…
Hello, we have been having issues with the gimbal yaw axis not centering properly when using gimbal angle commands. If you are trying to point the gimbal straight ahead by using the drone heading, it …
- [ ] Toggle parameter (e.g. PLANE HEADING DEGREES MAGNETIC - 4294967295 / 8) #223
- [ ] Display value (e.g. FUEL_TANK_LEFT_MAIN_QUANTITY*6.7) #199
- [ ] Feedback value (e.g. GEAR_LEFT_POSITION==100…
Many definitions give a list of "analogous" tags that play a similar role in non-magnetic dictionaries. many symmetry-related ones refer to symCIF, but there is not a DDLm symCIF dictionary. Many of t…
I just want to know that adding spin-orbit coupling and non-linear magnetism are your plans or not **in the near future**.
Is it a relatively easy or hard goal?
Is it possible to predict Non-colinea…
The dimensions are for a CR-80 card (3.37 in x 2.13 in) and both sides, except for a magnetic stripe are printable.
300 dpi, it is this one https://www.identisys.com/docs/shared/product-sell-sheets…
Similar to other geometry things, a BField only needs to be created once and then a single object can be passed between the processors who need it to (for example) propagate or fit tracks.
Hello, I encountered some issues while calculating . In the zvo_energy.dat file, is given as a negative value, but when I calculate using the zvo_cisajs_eigen0.dat file, I get a positive value (both…