When trying to publish my [rebar3_vendor](https://github.com/ostinelli/rebar3_vendor) plugin, I'm getting the following error:
$ rebar3 hex publish
===> Verifying dependencies...
escript: exce…
After the second invocation of make compile everything works fine. However on the first try I get an error. This only happens on the develop branch. At this moment the develop branch is the default gi…
Relevant mix.exs:
defp deps do
{:re2, "~> 1.8.6", override: true},
After executing the following commands:
`mix deps.get`
`mix deps.compile`
freebsd: 11.2 release
erlang 19.3
root@bsd11:/usr/home/russ/mqtt/vernemq-1.6.2 # gmake rel
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
### Environment ###
$ rebar3 report help new
Rebar3 report
version 3.6.1
generated at 2018-09-07T08:53:45+00:00
Please submit this along with your issue at https://githu…
I follow the documentation in hex.pm. When I execute command `rebar3 hex user register` and fill all information it need. It show me error that `Registration of user gilbertwong failed (401)`.
Attempting a fresh install of the development version but getting an error after initial make command:
`[zotonic@dragonflybsd ~/zotonic]$ gmake`
`./rebar3 compile`
`===> Package not found. Fetc…
Hi 👋
I want to publish a package on Hex that depends on erlcass, but this would require erlcass to be published as well. Do you have plans for publishing it on Hex?
{apns,".*", {git, "https://github.com/inaka/apns4erl.git", {branch, master}}},
Pulling apns from {git,"https://github.com/inaka/apns4erl.git",
### Pre-Check ###
- If you are filing for a bug, please do a quick search in current issues first
- For bugs, mention if you are willing or interested in helping fix the issue
- For questions or …