I am trying to move the ur5 + Robotiq gripper in a small circle.
First I bring up the ur5 + robotiq gripper:
roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_robotiq_2f85_bringup2.launch robot_ip:=192.…
I have calculated Geometric Jacobian for UR5 using DH parameters. But Jacobian given by MoveIt has different values for the same robot state. Do MoveIt use different way of calculating Jacobian ?
I run roslaunch ur5_moveit_config demo.launch,and got this trac_ik plugin error as bellow:
[ERROR] [1563527196.206434504]: The kinematics plugin (manipulator) failed to load. Error: According …
Hi, just found MTC might crash if OMPL raises an OMPL_ERROR. Here is the error:
[ INFO] [1563330382.250656588]: Planner configuration 'manipulator' will use planner 'geometric::RRTConnect'. …
I am using pybullet, RBDL and KDL to evaluate the inverse dynamics and inertia matrix of a kuka-lwr and a ur5. When comparing 1000 evaluations of the inverse dynamics/inertia matrix, the numer…
When I run roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch in the terminal, I got the following errors and the robot doesn't look right in Gazebo. Can you please give a favor? Thanks a lot.
FATAL] [153301591…
**Here is my question:**
I'm trying to subscribe to a camera on a robot with the Image Subscriber Script, but I have a problem, the robot keep sending me this :
"WebSocketClosedError : Tried to wri…
I am really interesting in the Jog feature and I am currently trying the code on a simulated UR5 and ROS Kinetic.
In the meantime, I realize that you are working on jog package integration into…
Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic
I was creating a package for ur5 robot for drawing the figure 8 as shown in examples. The changes I made are
1. added URDF and SRDF for ur5 in python_ik.launch and exa…
Hi Andy,
As you know I replaced the space mouse with a motion sensor which can track the velocity of user's hand.
My supervisor suggested that I compare the velocity commands sending to jog arm …