## There have been updates to the *vue* monorepo:
+ - The `dependency` [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) was updated from `2.5.21` to `2.5.22`.
- The `dependency` [vue-template-compiler](https://…
### Steps to reproduce
1. Import event.ics from an application
2. Open calendar
3. Click the imported event
### Expected behavior
Open event
### Actual behaviour
TypeError: t is und…
### 前言
modal 是前端开发中普遍且高频的组件之一,很多UI框架中都会实现modal 来增强实践中的交互,但是都没有达到我想要的,因为开发管理后台类页面时modal 形式多变,而且会相互嵌套,这样的话对可定制性有很大的要求
### 项目地址
### Version
### Reproduction link
### Steps to reproduce
Switch to node version 14.15.1 -> run `npm i` …
## The dependency [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) was updated from `2.5.18` to `2.5.19`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/CFI-UL/scoreboard/compare/master...CFI-UL:greenkeeper%2Fvue-2.…
Hi there
First, thanks for creating webpack-encore, it helps a lot!
I was using v0.20.1 until today, I've decided to upgrade since I had some issues with a third party package using the spread o…
## There have been updates to the *vue* monorepo:
+ - The `devDependency` [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) was updated from `2.5.21` to `2.5.22`.
- The `devDependency` [vue-template-compiler](ht…
## vue2? (以前的笔记)
1. wangeditor: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000012791569
2. quill: https://www.cnblogs.com/ZaraNet/p/10209226.html
3. ckeditor: https://www.jianshu.com/p/bc3c345e890b
4. https:/…
Mengingat branch tracker [sudah banyak commit](https://github.com/vuejs-id/docs/pull/161/commits/a68c4bc18f284127dd4297b47636c7ab8d0b78d3) dan Vue 3 sudah mulai menampakan diri untuk rilis, sepertinya…
## The devDependency [@vue/cli-plugin-eslint](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli) was updated from `3.1.4` to `3.1.5`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/Saeris/vue-mana/compare/master...Saeri…