Hi, I am testing this version in the TK1, I manage to install caffe with cuDNN and everything is working. The problem is that when I run ./tools/demo.py It initializes the network but I get a warning …
hi! @xxradon
i want to convert osnet
osnet. py
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
__all__ = [
'osnet_x1_0', 'osnet_x0_75', 'osnet_x0_5', 'os…
Hi All :
When I run
./convert.py alexnet.prototxt --caffemodel alexnet.caffemodel --data-output-path=alexTensorflow.py
after download alexnet model from Caffe, it appears error as following:
How to …
First of all, I would like to apologize if this post is related to the previous problem. However, I am still stuck in fixing the following errors:
I typed the command:
!python darknet2caffe.py y…
hello, I have trained a model in my own dataset. and then I run `./tools/demo.py` to test some images, but it shows error:
I0226 17:06:05.172631 122245 net.cpp:816] Ignoring source layer rpn-d…
DigitalOcean: Ubuntu Server 16.04 x64, 512 MB/1 CPU 20 GB SSD Disk.
Using installation guid https://github.com/jcjohnson/neural-style/blob/master/INSTALL.md
th neural_style.lua -gpu -1 -print_iter 1…
environment: ubuntu1604 python2.7 tensorflow1.6(only cpu)
(tensorflow) ubuntu@vm:~/workspace/08_fine_train/fine-tune-alexnet/caffe-tensorflow$ ./convert.py examples/mnist/lenet.prototxt --code-outp…
I am trying to test this model with OpenCV through the method `cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe`.
`import cv2
import os
import argparse
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
net =…
I followed all the proper instructions to get the data (./get_data.sh), then (python make_mnist_data.py ) and now I get this error when running:
[ad@turing dec]$ python dec.py mnist
ghost updated
5 years ago
I face the same issue as the last one. I run the cmd provided by your readme.md. But I got no outputs. Where is the output .flo file supposed to appear? I run the
"./run-network.sh -n FlowNet2 -vv d…