Supercycling particle integration implemented in https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS/pull/1484 should be verified for global runs.
After yesterday's discussion we landed on the conclusion that we should move away from `datatree` for the `.ds` property and instead use an `xr.Dataset` that includes both physical and BGC variables.
Just in case, I wanted to make clear that all of this was tested in the develop branch
All of this issue stems from PR #259 and the discussion that followed. Here is the description of the p…
Historical for the deadveg branch ([PR #2348](https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/pull/2348)).
Include init tsoisno=272K ([Issue #2338](https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/issues/2338))
**Bill Sacks < sacks@ucar.edu > - 2014-07-31 14:44:46 -0600**
**Bugzilla Id:** [2022](http://bugz.cgd.ucar.edu/show_bug.cgi?id=2022)
**Bugzilla CC:** bandre@lbl.gov, erik@ucar.edu, muszala@ucar.e…
We want to bring @juliusvira FAN (Flow of Agricultural Nitrogen) model into CTSM. @wwieder. Before creating a PR for it, this issue can report on this task.
Here's the initial implementation:
@samsrabin @ekluzek @wwieder We need set /glade/derecho/scratch/fangli/firedata/fire_emission_factors_78PFTs_c20240624.nc as the default fire emission factor file.
The emission factors for several tr…
I received the error below, when I tried to run FATES following the tutorial [CTSM-Tutorial/notebooks/SinglePoint/ProjectExamples/FATES_NEON_fromScratch.ipynb at main · NCAR/CTSM-Tutorial](https://git…
Hi, my case compsets are 2000_DATM%JRA-1p5_SLND_MPASSI%BGC_MPASO%OIECO_DROF%JRA-1p5_SGLC_SWAV and I want my case starts from 1991. I looked up the DATM_MODE and DROF_MODE I use is "%JRA-1p5". I found …
In tests that are run for less than a day, no memory diagnostics are being written to log files.
Therefore no baseline cpl-mem.log is being generated. This creates false fails when checking
for th…