To do list
- [x] Static Main Page
- [ ] Django Blog Application
- [ ] ElectryPy
- [ ] Electrical Blog
This looks like a re-occurrence of #71
I have a users Viewset which has a delete method (Nothing fancy, just added rest_framework.mixins.DestroyModelMixin)
When I try to delete, the server responds…
* What steps will reproduce the problem?
Enable dajngologging according to docs
* Please provide any additional information below.
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://127.0.…
quirement already satisfied: sqlparse>=0.2.2 in ./.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from Django>=2.1.0->django-graphql-auth) (0.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: rx=1.6 in ./.venv/lib/python3.8/si…
Looking to build a Project Management application based on Django and AgilePlanner, are there any known issues involved with such an effort?
Looks like the validation is missing while posting data to the API.
But the validation is in place while fetching data doing GET. This is causing the fetch API to fail since the data is corrupted n…
Request to add a new Trove classifier.
## The name of the classifiers you would like to add
* `Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: ASGI`
* `Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: ASGI :: Application`
We're working on a django application to suck in Centro campaign performance data.
it's a read-only application.
I am facing the error that app.yaml not found, but I have app.yaml in my path. You can see the tree structure of my app.
**Expected behavior**:
Simply I want the django app to deploy to App Engine…
**Ask a question**
Pinax uses an app called account and allauth has an app label called allauth.account, how to fix the app label clash between two third party apps. Can I adjust pinax account pack…