Write a detailed guideline on participating in hacktoberfest. It should include a brief intro to the event and open source, and steps to contribute to projects.
Link: https://uoftcoders.github.io/studyGroup/lessons/python/intro/lesson/
Author: @cczhu
Video: none
Description: Beginner-friendly intro to Python syntax, data types, and potential.
**Link:** https://github.com/UofTCoders/studyGroup/tree/gh-pages/lessons/rubyIntro
**Author:** Jenna Blumenthal
**Description:** A beginner-level introduction to the programming language Ruby
Need an intro page with information about the app with links to login/register
일단 정적 페이지로 구현했고, 토요일까지 '확인했습니다' 체크박스랑 확인 버튼 만들게!!
I currently play a piece of intro audio for each of my mounts. It'd be awesome if we could specify multiple intro files, and Icecast would just play a random one.
I could accomplish this by changin…
Une petite anomalie dans la page "Nommage des fichiers"
Ligne - 188 : - utiliser les dates au format 20181213 (norme ISO 8601) ;
est en fait
Ligne - 188 : - utiliser les dates au …
### Explanation and instructions
[Word file](https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=AEA70F71288B6155!116&ithint=file%2cdocx)
#### Legend from word file
| Text Color | Type | Description | Requi…