Thank you for your very nice work.
This is not an issue about the code, but I have general questions about the OverlapNet, and I couldn't wait for the RSS officially starts :)
in detail, the defini…
Hey everyone,
I'm trying to capture segmentation camera images and I'm failing at it in the subscriber node. I use ros2 and python.
In my subscriber node, I subscribe to the segmentation camera t…
We appreciate you go through Apollo documentations and search previous issues before creating an new one. If neither of the sources helped you with your issues, please report the issue using the follo…
Hi Developers,
I am wondering if the CNN segmentation model has been trained for 16-channel LiDAR. There seem to be three models for VLP-16, VLP-64, VLP-128.
`➜ cnnseg git:(master) ✗ pwd
HanFa updated
4 years ago
Hello Team,
Thanks for your wonderful work. I have work that needs per-point feature and I decided to use KPConv as our backbone. With your framework, it is easy to write a segmentation network, du…
Hi, thanks for your work!
I'm trying to train the cnnseg model with pytorch, and export onnx model from pytorch.
here is the onnx model
Hi, the iOS 13 public beta - with ARKit 3 - has been out to the general public for several weeks now. However, ARFoundations has still not yet been updated to support many basic features of ARKit 3 - …
yosun updated
4 years ago
I've validated the object exists and is allocated, the messages have been printed and are complete, but a bunch of the time, especially with the PCL-used image / pointcloud publishers it crashes when …
Hello, I'm using LGSVL simulator-linux64-2020.05.
I build a custom map using Unity 2019.3.3f.
So I can use a custom map into LGSVL simulator.
But, run the simulator with a custom map and simulato…
I downloaded the dataset, and I want to run Object Detector on images.
Is there a way to extract from the labels the groundtruth 2D bounding boxes of the vehicles, pedestrians and so on?