I am new to VSLAM. I am following the instructions of "SLAM with D435i tutorial"
roslaunch realsense2_camera opensource_tracking.launch,
I encountered some errors as shown below:
hi!I test ccm on kitti and I noticed that when dataset run for 3/4 it need memory about 9g while orb-slam2 only cost 3g.I have no idea why it need so much memory(It should not be related to the numbe…
I have built ros_ws, do I need to create a build file like orb slam2 and then run "cmake ... " and "make"?
My past experience with orb slam2 has been to use "rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono /home/b104/ catkin_…
I'm trying to run ORB-SLAM2 with stereo camera in gazebo. I use ros melodic to do these things. Stereo camera works well, and ros topic about left and right camera is in the rostopic list. Howeve…
I've been trying to get a compressed image message sent from the drone, and I cannot seem to have the topic /tello/image_raw/compressed publish anything. /tello/image_raw/h264 does publish t…
## ❓ Questions and Help
I am trying to compare the position of an orbslam agent with the ground truth position.
I can get the history of the orbslam agent's position with:
``` python
I am trying to perform 3D reconstruction using the depth maps of the TUM datasets in conjunction with the poses of CCMSLAM.
I know that the camera poses of CCMSLAM are not scaled correctly but I tak…
Hello, I have been trying to use orb_slam3_ros, but I encounter this problem when running some examples.
I tried NTU VIRAL, EuRoC and TUM-VI datasets and all give me the same error message, when I …
运行最后一步./run_tum_walking_xyz.sh时异常退出,输出Segmentation fault。
Thread 16 "sg_slam_tum" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
I'm trying to make RTabmap + ORBSLAM3 working together. I managed to compile everything on ros noetic, including ORBSLAM3 lib, rtabmap with `-DWITH_ORB_SLAM=ON` and rtabmap_ros.
rtabmap --…