It would be great if formattable were able to output TeX as well as HTML. I've been waiting for a solid table output solution that works across the different output formats from Rmarkdown documents.
I was running the test data in a cluster environment.
I had to extend the memory limit for counts_from_SALMON in tests/settings.yaml:
submit-to-cluster: yes
While developing interactively, it would be fantastic if the modules are re-loaded automatically in the background every time a module has changed. This is how the [`%autoreload`](https://ipython.org/…
Hi, I have noticed an issue with the text and background of some popups.
Some examples shown here:
Create a simple flex dashboard from file select a new file and then select the type of class.
Select Rmarkdown and then select flex dashboard from template.
Save this file.
Your first basic flex dashb…
hi thank u for your sharing! I have a little question about the cpp code. When I try to run the rmarkdown, it shows something wrong in the cpp file line 436, DOUBLE_EPS was not declared.
may I check …
The lesson on [knitr using Rmarkdown](https://swcarpentry.github.io/r-novice-gapminder/15-knitr-markdown/index.html) currently does not mention or utilize the visual markdown editor. Consider adding…
`blogdown::build_site` converts RMarkdown files to HTML not `.md` so I can not take advantage of Hugo features like server-side syntax highlighting. Also, `blogdown::build_site` re-knits every R Markd…
I had started https://github.com/timelyportfolio/googlefontR a couple of months ago. I'd be happy to team up. Have you found a workaround for https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/794?
I have modularized my vignette Rmd file using `child` chunks to be able to reuse the child Rmd files in other Rmd documents via
```{r child = "child_doc.Rmd"} ...
for this output and e…