**User Story:**
As a user
I want to see a less aggressive captcha experience
So that I'm not constantly having to verify I'm not a bot
**Acceptance Criteria**
GIVEN that I am on gitcoin.co
**URL**: https://www.a2-type.co.uk/aveny-t
**Browser / Version**: Firefox Mobile 63.0
**Operating System**: Android 7.0
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes
**Problem type**: Design is broken
**URL**: https://apply.lloydsbank.co.uk/sales-content/cwa/l/pca/index-app.html?product=classicaccountLTB#!d
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 67.0
**Operating System**: Fedora
**Tested Another Brows…
I'm moon, co-founder of ZEPL. Thanks for the interest to https://www.zepl.com.
We truly believe that data-driven culture will bring you and your company to the next level.
And ZEPL is service…
NOTE: This issue tracking system is for Google Analytics developer products
If you are not a developer/programmer …
NOTE: This issue tracking system is for Google Analytics developer products
If you are not a developer/programmer …
NOTE: This issue tracking system is for Google Analytics developer products
If you are not a developer/programmer …
I'm trying to use the skrollr to create a website.
I use some fixed sections at the top (header & slide-1) then skrollr-body with some more sections inside.
*Example is here http://www.dalebailey.co.u…
The current table formatting is rather difficult to read. Please change it to a design similar to the following design on this website:
CSS code incl…