Each role should be able to define/overwrite its own template configuration. Add this to a `config` key in the role object. The `config` value is an object and this object is recursively merged into t…
Installed admin_data in a Rails 3 app that also uses the friendly_id gem. I'm able to browse a table but when I try to select a record, I get an error like:
"User not found: slug-name"
The command ``help make:entity`` shows the argument ``name`` of ``make:entity``, which would be the ``Class name of the entity to create or update``.
If using the command (e. g. ``make:entity --reg…
Mynyx updated
4 years ago
LiteDB v5.16
.NET 4.8
How can if fix that? Itryed litteraly EVERYTHING. Nothing worked.
After using `find` command to look for Roy, I used the `edit` command to change Roy's phone number to a different number.
![Screenshot 2022-04-16 at 2.37.25 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com…
Demo link: https://df-frontend-2023-nghianm-assignment6.vercel.app/
Features done:
- Login and Register with auth APIs
- Logout redirect to login page
- Protect all routes, and redirect to the log…
If solved, this could simplify the process of creating an application on gitlab.com
Allow the creation of tokens whose scope is limited to e.g.:
- `GET`ing `/files/1234` (useful for sharing results)
- `PUT`ing `/results/123124/file` (useful for VILLAScontroller to upload results)
stv0g updated
3 years ago
I'm trying to push a large batch of datastreams. CRUD fails whenever it hits an object with XACML "view" restrictions - even if I include `-u 1` in my Drush command, and user 1 has explicit permission…