When I try running Word2Vec (BERT) on my corpus, I get a Key Error on Terminal regarding my K-means minimum. Regardless of what my k-means is, I keep getting the same error.
To replicate:
I'm using `spacy-affixes` as part of the SpaCy pipeline, as explained in the usage guide. It has been working properly until I tried the following sentence: "Sube el paro". When doing ```nlp("Sube el …
Hi all,
I can not complete the Neo4j Browser guide provided for the nlp-knoledge-graph repo because it seems that the `apoc.nlp.gcp.entities.stream` is not registered.
# Addressing the elephant in the room
When the concept of transformers were first unleashed, their revolutionnary accuracy results where mostly shown in the standard NLP tasks, such as POS-tagging, d…
Sorry for the double bug report.
Can you please tell me what is the right procedure to load a model for a language that is not currently supported i..e, Albanian (sq).
I have tried the following tw…
:red_circle: Chatbot Feature to Suggest Projects Based on Tech Stack
:red_circle: Implement a chatbot feature that suggests relevant projects based on the user's specified tech stack. The chatbot wil…
To do
- Discuss with NLP team. Group withh max of 100 items
## Steps to reproduce
1. pip install pytext-nlp
## Observed Results
Installation starts with files being downloaded. Error occurred when certifi was found. Installation stops.
I need to run this command as part of a recipe: `lsblk -nlp -o NAME,PARTTYPE`. In order to query the parttype, lsblk relies on udev.
However, udev is not really functional within a systemd-nspawn c…