Some MetPy functions, such as gradient and advection, allow the user to supply arrays of deltas rather than a single value, but vorticity (and its relatives) does not. Vorticity is more complicated si…
The Jaeger `SpanConverter` converts the hexadecimal `spanId` to an integer [here](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-php/blob/2b72c92fcb30ed241c64c2bea613e7d3bb6ac7cb/src/Contrib/Jaeger/S…
I have coded an arithmetic template class mimicking Vc::SimdArray to allow a tentative port of my application [lux](https://bitbucket.org/kfj/pv) from Vc to highway. The stand-in type is not complete,…
After scrutinizing the design docs, I was able to find a mention of a polyfill that would transpile WASM -> JS. I was also able to find mention of a C++ -> WASM compiler.
However, I was unable to fin…
BPO | [15438](https://bugs.python.org/issue15438)
--- | :---
Nosy | @rhettinger, @amauryfa, @mdickinson, @pitrou, @ezio-melotti, @bitdancer, @skrah
Files | [issue15438.patch](https://bugs.python.org/f…
Dear All,
I have one question about the CVode solver. In my current code, I have used Cvode(cvode_mem, tout, y0, &t, CV_NORMAL) to solve my ODE function, f, but it seems like the solver has been tr…
There is an exciting new paper by @milankl in Nature Computational Science entitled [Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43588-021-00156-2)…
I've built LLVM with CUDA support on Windows and used the resulting clang++ to build the sample program as specified here:
And everything works…
This one also doesn't work:
(iit_synthesis) brando9~/proverbot9001 $ (cd coq-projects/lin-alg && make "$@" && make install)
coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq
make: coq_makefile: Comm…
BPO | [4114](https://bugs.python.org/issue4114)
--- | :---
Nosy | @loewis, @rhettinger, @mdickinson, @vstinner
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might…