To be updated by Anca once more information available.
If content available story release december.
Possible datasets:
- Regular EO-Data
- Envisat data?
- Sentinel-1
- Sentinel-2
- 4d Antarti…
Some instances of increased river values when bank values are high. Consider setting the river edge values to the river water level value unless they are already less - similar to how this is treated …
option = {
backgroundColor: '#000',
globe: {
baseTexture: ROOT_PATH + '/data-gl/asset/earth.jpg',
heightTexture: ROOT_PATH + '/data-gl/asset/bathymetry_bw_composite_4k.jpg',
I noticed that you are using etopo5 bathymetry data during the coawst pre-processing? Why didn't you use the etopo1 data, which is probably more accurate? What should I do if I want to use eto…
What is the politic about copyrights ?
For the moment, we use IGN otho and elevation but we will also use global elevation and global imagery (and for my part, bathymetry and tidal data) and it will b…
PDF read support seems to be missing in recent versions.
PDF -raster,vector- (w+): Geospatial PDF
Not sure when it stopped working but I went back to GDAL 3.0.4 and found working ok
Dave passed Enda some code to do EN4 comparison against AMM15 data. This used an old COAsT version before ProfileAnalysis() class separated off diagnostics.
The scripts
Dear John,
I am working with a bowl shape bathymetry. I ran the model for 100000 timesteps. My mean temperature increased over time, but my total energy stayed constant. How I can be sure that the re…
I think there may be a bug in the geometric models. Marjolaine has been unable to get hers to run for several weeks now, and I am trying to run a simulation for Kristiina, and it does not work either.…