Here is how to make chatpad work on a Xbox360 wireless controller:
All the data below has to be send to endpoint 1 (assuming endpoint 2, 3, 4 for
controller 2, 3, 4). The chatpad will return dat…
# Bug
The Universe/get_universe_races endpoint received the Trig and Jove races, it is presumably failing some kind of internal validation as the endpoint now returns 6 results instead of 4
## R…
|GameID|GameState File|
Here is how to make chatpad work on a Xbox360 wireless controller:
All the data below has to be send to endpoint 1 (assuming endpoint 2, 3, 4 for
controller 2, 3, 4). The chatpad will return dat…
So I feel we need a deeper weapon / addon rebalancing.
First I think we should agree/discuss on the basic: what choice the player can make in engaging, and how this could drive synergy with the wa…
Here is how to make chatpad work on a Xbox360 wireless controller:
All the data below has to be send to endpoint 1 (assuming endpoint 2, 3, 4 for
controller 2, 3, 4). The chatpad will return dat…
Just for visibility, this can be a meta issue for referencing various posted benchmarks.
|GameID|GameState File|
### The Battleground
- - - -
An Environment for PvP, RPG and RTS Gaming within Decentraland
Date | kind | title
-- | -- | --
1/21/2021 20:55:17 | VHS Cover | First Class Collection
1/21/2021 20:56:23 | VHS Cover | Breathing Fire
1/21/2021 20:59:40 | VHS Cover | Silver Fox Massacre