I just tried this out for the first time here:
- https://github.com/simonw/sqlite-utils/pull/460
The preview link it added didn't work, maybe because I have a custom domain setup?
It linked t…
Prototyped like this:
with apology as (
select Transcription, mp3 from announcements where
Category = 'Apology'
order by random() limit 1
train_company as (
I figured out a workaround for the ugly `global x` hack here:
- https://github.com/simonw/sqlite-utils/issues/471#issuecomment-1229120653
If I'm on https://simonw.github.io/datasette-lite/#/content/pypi_versions?_sort=package and I hand edit the URL to https://simonw.github.io/datasette-lite/#/content/pypi_versions?_sort=package&_facet=…
The demo can run in GitHub Actions, against a demo S3 bucket created for the purpose.
I'll deploy the resulting database file using Datasette, at `s3-ocr-demo.datasette.io`.
As seen in https://sqlite-utils.datasette.io/en/stable/cli-reference.html#add-foreign-key
Could make this TIL trick unnecessary: https://til.simonwillison.net/bash/ignore-errors
A permanent home for an updated version of [The interesting ideas in Datasette](https://simonwillison.net/2018/Oct/4/datasette-ideas/).
Similar to how the SQLite website has a bunch of interesting …
Triggered this error while playing with the sort desc checkbox and the apply button that are only visible on this page at mobile screen width:
Idea is to have any new issue with a URL in it trigger `youtube-dl` to extract the audio and then send it through `whisper` to generate a transcript.
Current broken version:
Using this SQL query:
with windowed as (
_commit_at as date,
users - LAG(users) OVER (
) AS new_use…