#### SQL Decode Error Randomly while using filter on queryset
#### I am trying to get data from a collection 'Curated', i have written 2 different APIs to retrieve data from this collection.
In f…
### Environment
* Nautobot version (Docker tag too if applicable): 1.5.15b1
* Python version: 3.8.16
* Database platform, version: PostGRESQL
* Middleware(s): Docker
### Steps to Reproduce
### Steps to reproduce:
* Generate JWT token
* Go to and change `id` inside the payload with non-existing one (according to your DB)
* Use malwared JWT token for your next request
* Hit endpoin…
Hey all, I have a large passing test suite that doesn't seem to get along with pytest-xdist.
The status code responses from the Django Rest Framework test `APIClient` suddenly all become 403 errors…
According to this [developer document](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH…
It always feels nice when browsing to `/api/v1/` presents a list of the available API endpoints.
Something like this should do it.. mashing up the `get_api_root_view` from rest_framework's [DefaultR…
#### Issue Summary
I just installed the latest version of pinax-stripe and my deployment fails with a runtime error.
#### Steps to Reproduce
I'm using Django 2.0.4 and my installed_apps …
Actualmente, solo se blacklistean cuando se refresca el token. Esto quiere decir que si me logueo dos veces, obtengo un nuevo token y puedo hacer un XSS.
Habría que Blacklistear el token cada vez q…
Currently DRF-docs (and other toolkits I could find) only work with APIView or subclasses. I have an application based on the Django REST Framework, but I am also using django-oauth-toolkit for author…
This is a limitation in the JSON parser used by Django REST Framework. I think DRF's JSON parser is pluggable, so we may be able to swap it for something more forgiving.