@jasperblues after the SF 5.0 SDN5.0 SD2.0 release next week, could you update this project too?
Os testes estão dependentes da ordem de execução iniciada pelo JUnit (às vezes 15 testes não passam, às vezes 19).
E ainda, comentado-se a linha `neo4j.clearDB()` para limpeza do banco de dados no mét…
Would it be possible to extend the GraphElement annotation to take in a String value (default "") that can be used to define a label of the Element/Edge/Vertex being created. If blank the simple class…
**Description of the issue**: Error when pushing image to a private Gitlab Registry with Maven plugin 0.9.7
**Expected behavior**: An image is built and pushed to my private Gitlab Registry
because the protocol is `vfs:` and not file or jar as expected by `ClassUtils.getUniqueClasspathElements`.
See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32490795/neo4j-in-jee-jboss-environment (the resource…
I have this test:
public void testFindCountryByName() {
String pais = "México";
Country country = countryRepository.findByName(pais);
assertEquals("The countyr names…
I get NPE in ogm 2.1.0 (through SDN 4.2..):
at org.neo4j.ogm.MetaData.classInfo(MetaData.java:99)
at org.neo4j.ogm.utils.EntityUtils.identity(EntityUtils.java:…
I started looking at Neo4j today and am now running some tests with OGM. The library is really awesome, thanks for your work! However, when playing around with model abstractions, I encountered the fo…
**[Luanne Misquitta](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=luanne@graphaware.com)** opened **[DATAGRAPH-555](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAGRAPH-555?redirect=false)** and commented
## Expected Behavior
An object which saves a List field as an empty List should be able to be queried and returned as expected.
## Current Behavior
With a simple domain class su…