in the default settings, the onewire pins is one of the i2c pins. That's fine if you use no I2C sensors, or both I2C light sensors and I2C temperature sensors.
However, once you use only an …
Hello, I'm trying to create stubs from my Pico Lipo board (a clone of Raspberry Pi Pico, with added functionality) because I want support for auto-completion of libraries like `picographics` that are …
Hey. I tried your example and everything works fine!
However, if you try to repeat it with the same settings in the **STM32CubeIDE** environment (https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.…
We continue here the discussions
**Compilation of w600 port** and
**Compilation of w600 port II** (closed now)
of development/debugging the w60x port in MP branch w60x.
### Target name(s)
ESP32 wrover
### Firmware version
### Was working before? On which version?
### Device capabilities
ESP32 @ COM10 deployment area erased.
hello, ( goede morgen)
i'm having some issues with my setup on a HRE, i adopted your code and edited the datapoints, so far so good,
but for some reason the node keeps going offline, especially i…
### The problem
Hello ESPhome or Dallas library programmer.
I can not understand that a problem as big as here is not solved promptly by you.
Perhaps several thousand users have installed sensors…
### Description of the feature you're suggesting.
I was very interested to see the 1-wire contacts on the Flipperzero. At the moment, it's only meant to be used with iButtons DS1990A, but I'm wonderi…
Those chips are DS2433 with an extra CRC instruction. Maybe they can be implemented based on DS2433 code?
Those devices are used in Dell laptop power supplies however they fry too often. This is wher…
While implementing a new expansion board, I noted that `addGpioPinInfo` also manages the internal _gpios_ map. However, there doesn't seem to be any defined scheme or means to prevent over-riding this…