I'm planning on integrating Rust into this project over the summer. I'm still not sure about what exactly I'll be using it for, but at least [the new Audiosync extension will be fully written in Rust]…
Telegram bot does not reply anything to command.
When installing on Raspberry PI Ubuntu 20.10 system wide:
root@rpi17:/home/ubuntu# raveberry system-install
You are about to install raveberry system-wide. This will make it start on boot and…
**Describe the bug**
Python scripts playing with processes (ids), in this case with psutils, seem to be broken whenever Fluids v2 is set as lively wallpaper.
Further on, if such a script is curren…
I use your client library to communicate with spotify api. It works well but I've caught exception with requests that contains path variables like `v1/albums/{id}` in request path. Library doesn't re…
My RaspberryPi with Librespot has been running for a couple hours now and, earlier today, everything was working fine and I could listen to songs on Spotify through the speakers connected to the RPi. …
When songs have in the name/artist name any of those characters : **/ \ : * ? " < > |**
It seems that it automatically change it to "**#**" since windows don't like when his file has one of the speci…
### Brief Summary:
The idea is for this to be a series. 1st piece will be going through spotify api and spotipy. Learn the basics, authentication process and how to get basic data. This is a tutoria…
I keep getting this error whenever I tried to use this library
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: write EPIPE
at afterWriteDispatched (internal/str…
I'm not able to use player it's giving following error
{"error_type":"INVALID_LICENSE","message":"Device registration is not allowed: premium_only_device","error_code":9}