A liitle info https://openuserjs.org/about/Userscript-Beginners-HOWTO
Any suggestion what you'd like to write as a User Script, please write in comments below. Thanks 😺
I had initially made a userscript with heaps of CSS and other misc changes to the Battlelog site however I decided to just use Battlelogium for easier launching although I wish there was a way to add …
I can no longer save giveaway templates. After filling in GA details, and a name for the template, and pressing the "Save template" button, the button shows "Saving..." and the little…
## Checklist
- [ X] I am sure that the issue comes from p0weruser (verified by deactivating all other addons / private window) / Ich bin mir sicher, dass der Fehler durch p0weruser kommt (geprüft d…
https://metruyenchu.com/ lại lỗi code rồi bác, fix lại giúp anh em với, tks bác
_Originally posted by @nghia9a5 in https://github.com/lelinhtinh/Userscript/issues/58#issuecomment-786471104_
A small additional feature I would find very useful.
When I train a study, there is a drop box to choose the chapter. You may want to add an entry to the drop box, with "full study", to train all c…
I noticed that Minecraft developer /u/Dinnerbone had a novote flair, so I decided to ctrl-f through the ccfiande list to see which position he was in, but he wasn't there. I then ctrl-f'd through memb…
Need to ensure websites aren't given chrome privileges and userscripts can't expose website data to other websites.
As mentioned by #326, /contact doesn't even show the message you just sent when you send it. While [I've written a userscript](https://github.com/ghes/isaacs-github-contact-xposter) that somewhat miti…
# Sorry. The website is infected by AdShield, Inc.
Unfortunately, It is complicated to resolve with a regular adblock rule because the website is being protected by service of Ad-Shield that is an …