In VCL templates, `client.ip` should be replaced by `std.ip(regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For, "^(^[^,]+),?.*$", "\1"), client.ip)` when checking ACLs.
Else it could use as IP inst…
Neither the selective purges that I assume are supposed to happen when posts are added or updated, nor general purges from the command line, appear to be working for me. A Fastly support representativ…
Soo, heres some suggestions for what the metals from Thaumcraft 6 should be able to do:
General Trait:
-Enchanted (gets free bonus modifier, basically what already is implemented)
### Contact Details
### Describe the Issue
The webhooks api provides a curl example to simulate a webhook event:
해당 프로필이 응답하지 않는다는 오류가 간헐적으로 발생하고 한 번 발생하면 정상적인 동작을 하지 못합니다. 아래는 curl로 살펴본 내용입니다. 무엇이 문제 일까요?
curl -XGET -i https://cloud.wiznet.io/kakaotalk/keyboard
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
As of today, kiwix-serve cache settings are not customized on library.kiwix.org (and not on dev.library.kiwix.org)
As discussed in https://github.com/kiwix/libkiwix/issues/1025, kiwix-serve is usin…
Either memcached or memcache (I never remember the difference... I believe memcached is the one I found a need to install) would be useful to have in the parrot VM.
See https://github.com/varnishcache/varnish-cache/issues/3765#issuecomment-1004278534.
Most VRT functions to convert VCL types to `STRING` ignore workspace overflows. If they failed, that would bec…
dridi updated
2 years ago
I'm using the varnish 4 file for wordpress. Those 2 lines seems to be responsable of blank pages for logged users.
``` varnish
# Check the cookies for wordpress-specific items
if (req.htt…
This just a proposal.
DDEV is surely the most used tool for Drupa local development. Apart from containers, it provides very useful tools like ddev pull tu pull data from a remote site, snapshots…