There is no rush on this - it's a question of how to avoid git atrophy with time.
On the SL7 GPVM nodes the system git was ancient, v1.8.3.1. That was OK since we got an up-to-date git from UPS. …
The group is composed by
1. Gumaro Monroy @Movgto
2. Sergio Usma @sergio-usma
You can find the project's kanban board [here](https://github.com/users/sergio-usma/projects/3/views/1)
Issue Type: Bug
Using git diff view on a remote container (linux) from my windows machine.
Steps to reproduce:
- create a new file and save it with random text
- in the source control, the f…
### 상위 작업 Ticket Number
### 브랜치 이름 (이슈 요약)
### 브랜치 전략(GitFlow)
### 상세 내용(Details)
- Jira & Github Issue 연동
### 체크리스트(Tasks)
- [x] jira 생성
- [x] issu…
Not really sure how this came about. See https://github.com/keybounce/Finite-Fluids/network
On july 18th, I started using gitflow. You'll see "hotfix/Refactor_water_flow". This was a "simple" edit (N…
第32天 你在上一家公司工作流程是怎么样的,如何与其他人协作的?是怎样跨部门合作的?
Concrete goal: implement constant propagation in Scoot
아마 몇 년 전에도 여쭤봤을 것 같긴 한데, commit과 issue의 관계를 어떻게 설정하세요? 모든 커밋에서 이슈를 언급해서 many-to-one 관계를 맺으시나요? 그리고 이슈 트래킹을 요즘 뭘로 하시는지는 모르겠는데, 만약 GitHub으로 하신다면 project나 milestone은 issue랑 어떻게 관계를 맺으시나요? 예전에 브랜…
If your repository:
1. Contains remote branch `remotes/origin/develop`, but no `develop`, git-flow init create `develop` and track it on `origin/develop`.
2. Contains remote branch `remotes/origin/dev…
Would it be possible for a developmental branch to be added to speed up bug fixes and feature additions?
_My reasoning_
While this is probably more suitable for features, I would find it helpful t…