Your proposed Zen-NAS is a very efficient way to search for neural network structures. I read your article and GitHub code carefully, and did my own search on your code, but one thing I found is t…
- News
- ICLR 2022 결과가 나왔습니다. 덧 ICLR 는 어떤 학회인가?
- 올해로 10년차
- ICML, NeurIPS가 너무 커짐에 따라 Representation learning에 집중해서 Bengio, LeCun 옹 중심으로 창설
- 초창기 학회부터 VGG, Adam, Seq2seq with atte…
I would like to add the following publication:
- DBLP key: conf/icml/BerabiHRV21
- Title: TFix: Learning to Fix Coding Errors with a Text-to-Text Transformer
- Conference: ICML 2021
- Authors: B…
**Original article:** *On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers* by Jean-Baptiste Cordonnier, Andreas Loukas & Martin Jaggi, in proceedings of ICML 2020.
**PDF URL:** [R…
First of all, thank you very much for this template! It was extremely easy to setup and with basic html and jekyll knowledge it is pretty straightforward to customize.
I am trying to setup m…
- News
- 모더레이터 분들의 2021 가장 기억에 남는 논문 혹은 소식 한개씩! (두개 안됨!)
- ACL 2022 (ARR-11월) 리뷰가 화요일 즈음 나옵니당.
- IJCAI 2022 데드라인: 1월 14일 / ICML 2022 데드라인: 1월 20일&27일
- CES 2022 !!!
- 카이스트 교수님들의 시각: …
### Задача
1. Занести топ позиций на RetailCRM
2. Синкнуть остатки
3. Настроить интеграции с маркетплейсами (ozon, wilberries и яндекс маркет)
TFK70 updated
2 years ago
There should be a counterpart to `NDArrayField` for torch Tensors. This would be useful to convert existing `torch.utils.data.Dataset`s to `.beton`.
Following the API described in this guide: https…
Hello Utku, Thanks for this great research. Just wanted to know if you could publish the instructions to run the codes and possibly training on custom datasets and models.
Best regards,
when i run
`python train.py --num-workers=1 --env-id=Active-Tracking-Discrete-v0 --env-val-id=Active-Tracking-Discrete-v0 --model-id=convx2lstm --lr=0.00005 --log-dir=save/tmp --max-global-steps=250…
Tie-1 updated
2 years ago