A friend wants to buy a Flashforge Adventurer 4 , do those work?
I see people trying to get the camera work here: https://community.octoprint.org/t/how-to-set-flashforge-adventurer-builtin-came…

Everyone of the NPCs has these weird, slightly below the rest of the name, ER postfix. H…
It seems this backpack must be setup manually.
> It has 15 inventory slots which hold NO predefined items. Player has to manually edit the config file…

Found in a second adventurer encounter(east of Broken Hills). A dog in the encounter identified a…
Well, I see you're working on a new version of the mod. Soooo, good luck with that!
I would like to suggest a few things (I play on 1.20.1, so I'll probably take a long time to experience this, but a…
Most of the time when turning in Adventurer's Guild Quests, you're not given any reward despite the dialogue saying to give you a scroll. Of the 5ish quests I've done so far, I've gotten one, maybe tw…
Modpack Version 4.5.2
when i try to use the Adventurer's Backpack upgrades (specifically the tier 1 "Auto Salvage Commons Upgrade" and "Spiritual Size Upgrade") i cant figure out how to use them on…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
The official OrcaSlicer releases provide a Linux AppImage for Linux users, there is no such release available for the FlashForge for…
Patterns aren't categorized and so they all appear as uncategorized. Add categories.

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