- [x] remove `PMV_ashrae Default` showing below inputs
- [x] Echo - errors when clicking on Adaptive ashrae
- [x] remove the title of the chart
- [x] align the chart
- [ ] heat loss chart le…
When translating Modelica to JSON using commit 648b390, some expressions are not properly parsed and the original expressions are lost.
For example, translating `Buildings/Controls/OBC/ASHRAE/G36/AHU…
I am cross checking PRM dataset and found some issues in the LPD dataset - hopefully the database can correct this behavior
1. lpd space type that is never used.
The [classroom laboratory](https://g…
I have noticed a pattern of there needing to be a very substantial number of "compliance parameters" added to the 229 schema in order to support _just_ the ASHRAE 90.1-2019 ruleset. As support for 202…
Please add an info icon for displaying the ASHRAE required value.
![ASHRAE CFM needed seems way off WoW](https://github.com/fishbaugher/WAweb-Issues/assets/167787157/8e31b154-a3b9-46e6-a6dd-64eb57dd7ef0)
![ASHRAE CFM needed seems way off WA](https://github.com/fi…
For shapes that specify a minCount but no maxCount, shacl validation returns a confusing message.
For example with the shape:
a s223:Class ;
a sh:NodeShape ;
- Finalize Initial Project Pages
- The Building Types are listed below and pulled from this source: [project/building types](https://www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/building-type-definitions.php)…
The Blower Door Measurements at the bottom of the ASHRAE page are the same as the front Infiltration/Duct Leakage page. Could they auto fill into the ASHRAE page like they do in old WA?
Issue overview
Current design conditions are based on ASHRAE 2013. ASHRAE 2013 CSVs can be found [here](https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/tree/develop/bin/WeatherConverter).