018-03-19 10:21:55 ERROR > Could not load 'G:\wc\mc1844\userfiles\MCPE\plugins\BedWars-master.phar' in folder 'G:\wc\mc1844\userfiles\MCPE\plugins\': phar "G:\wc\mc1844\userfiles\MCPE\plugins\BedWars-…
On the test server, I broke a player's bed, and then went to kill him. On the final hit, he died and was out of the game, but I got kicked to an ISE. I do not have access to the console to check the e…
if the start timer is 0 i have this server crash i hope you can help me plz
PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Sat Aug 21 06:30:50 BST 2021
Error: Undefined offset: 2
File: pmsrc/src/pocketmine/netwo…
BCrash occurred while handling a packet from session: lilfantax1995(B(B
[19:45:13.282] (B[Server thread/CRITICAL]: (BError: "Class "EasyUI\variant\SimpleForm" not found" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/BedWa…
ocketMine-MP Crash Dump Sun Mar 31 03:36:19 UTC 2024
PocketMine-MP version: 5.12.1+dev [Protocol 662]
Git commit: a00fc74218b127853b4a6ca433a6c5bdd957fc85-dirty
PHP version: 8.2.13
OS: Linux, li…
Trying to setup a map and this error comes up:
PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Thu Jan 11 09:06:49 UTC 2024
PocketMine-MP version: 5.10.0 [Protocol 630]
Git commit: daeba95101e6278d1f2552397043d2…
2024-01-02 [19:54:54.065] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: pocketmine\thread\ThreadCrashException: "Worker 2 crashed while running task sergittos\bedwars\game\task\GenerateGameTask#63459" (EXCEPTION) in…
Nakon podešavanja igre za telefon server je dobio nekoliko DDOS napada te je postao nestabilan
**Velocity je vraćen na istu mašinu kao i ostali serveri, serverov IP trenutno nije bezbedan**
Error: Call to undefined method pocketmine\event\server\DataPacketSendEvent::setCancelled()
File: /home/mcpe/global_plugins/InvCrashFix_dev-2 (1).phar/src/muqsit/invcrashfix/libs/muqsit/simplepacketh…