Actual - The first point of the user guide requires the user to ensure that the java version is correct with no guidance on how to do this. Many users may not know how to check the java version.
I teach C# for a living and…
Epilogue is very noisy about non-loggable types and objects being null. An option to silence these warnings at the class level would help make this opt-out behavior more user friendly for beginners.
## Enhancement
CI formatting output could be clearer for beginners.
### Actual behavior:

This repo is open to contributors of all skill levels.
I am a beginner so if you think you can help or you think I can help you get involved
A good place to start might be with me over the next…
Use def-macro to create a macro which doesn't require beginners to supply the path, implying all files are in the same directory.
# 1. ~~Random, monotone polygons.~~
Done! PR: #95. Thank you @1ndy!
# 2. Ray-casting visibility polygon.
### What?
Imagine that the edges of a polygon represents the walls of a room seen t…