1. In src/edu/stanford/nlp, there are two folders, /coref and /dcoref, what are the differences between them?
2. In src/edu/stanford/nlp/coref, there are src/edu/stanford/nlp/coref/hybrid, src/e…
你好,我最近也在试图运行troublemaker的程序,但是一直都有些问题。主要是就是我显出不够,所以把一些size的参数调小了,但那样的结果就是Found too many repeated mentions (> 10) in the response, so refusing to score。
When I try to fine-tune the mt5 model, I cannot obtain the 'llm-coref/mt5-coref-ontonotes' dataset. Is this a private dataset? How can I obtain it? Thank you!
This project seems not to run successfully, after I see the other issues. Can anybody tell the truth?
最后评分时会报错:AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
I encountered an issue while trying to install the Chinese coreference resolution model for `coreferee`. Following the documentation, I attempted to download the model file from the followin…
Hello, I used to use Stanford CoreNLP for my tokenization work on Simplified Chinese text, and I was wondering if Stanza is using the same? I saw that in the introduction it says 'Stanza includes a Py…