A lot of people have asked for folders (and/or nesting pages under other pages) over the years. Now that we have page tags (which function very similar to folders) and we're considering document folde…
"Oh My Dear...
Yes My Dear, I Can Quote Them,
I Will Quote Stephen Goedhart Here, For You,
And He Goes Like: "Oh Yes, I So Believe, That, One Day We Can, Become Like The Gods, That We Are...
Hi Ptit. so, he we are!
Ive set lazarus (2.0) to target linux arm (armv7) and it fails on dglOpenGL. there are some things related to fpc than I should check (it doesnt find a lot of things on /usr…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Foreword: The concept behind story in universe is to reward players who are interested in the story of the server's setting, without making it necessary for players who just want a normal play experie…
Hello, after installing on a clean Ubuntu 18.04, I get the following error;
`user@autofill:~/lancache-autofill$ ./lancache-autofill steam:update-app-list
Clearing apps from database
Downloading a…
Search results from SearchBot v3.00.02 by Ook, searching dll written by Ook, Based on Searchbot v2.22 by Dukelupus
Searched 18 lists for "history" , found 1000 matches. Enjoy!
For easier searching, …
`chat` and `generate `for the same model should yield the same number of tokens, shouldn't they?
But right now there are more than 3x difference, at least as observed on my M1 Pro
% python3 tor…
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