Let's make sure issue is not already fixed in latest builds first.
- [X] I tried to reproduce this issue against the [latest Integration Build of Eclipse SDK](https://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/dow…
### Basic questions:
- [x] I am actually using ketting, and not any other software (e.g. magma)
- [x] I am using the latest Ketting version at the time of writing for the Minecraft version, that I am…
### Project
### Deskflow version number
### Build type
Other (please specify)
### Operating systems (OS)
- [x] Windows
- [x] macOS
- [ ] Linux (X11)
- [ ] Linux (Wayland)
- [ ] …
I'm getting this when trying to use the macOS graphics backend:
Python 3.11.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Apr 19 2024, 18:34:54) [Clang 16.0.6 ]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" fo…
After using window-tool-bar and back-button https://github.com/rolandwalker/back-button a while I get (127 times in a minute):
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "No clause matching ‘(S-forward…
daym updated
18 hours ago
Hi! I feel like this is probably user error, but I'm facing an issue and I can't figure out how to get past it. I'm trying to write a program both registers AppKit observations (so I need to be run `N…
### Problem Statement
I saw a few other issues (one for SwiftUI and one for UIKit) that asked for an ability to see masking in real time (through preview or something). I'd also be interested in the …
## Context
Odin: dev-2025-02-nightly:584fdc0
OS: macOS Sequoia 15.3.0 (build 24D60, kernel 24.3.0)
CPU: Apple M4
RAM: 24576 MiB
Backend: LLVM 18.1.8
### Steps to Reproduce
This star…
## Description of bug / unexpected behavior
Installed manim using no arch flags, and with arm64. running `manim -pql ...` and receive an error with cairo mach-o file in incompatible architecture "(ha…
### Instrument
MIRI (Stages 1-3)
### What happened?
Starting from .uncal files running stage 1 all the way to stage 4, in the end the array containing flux error bars has only NaNs. Didn't have tha…