https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/111759 only supports building native cDAC unwinders on `amd64` host platform.
The limiting factor is the `crosscomp.h` only targets `amd64`, it has tooling to …
We all hope that the web can provide standards that enable developers to create better applications, which:
* function seamlessly across major platforms such as Android, iOS, HarmonyOS, etc.
* are…
Idea is to be able to build Xenko projects (incl. asset compilation) on Linux/macOS.
Some important steps:
- [ ] Remove managed c++ code (esp. FBX/Assimp importers)
- [ ] Find/recompile/remove va…
Appreciate your effort for doing something like this. But it would help a lot if we could do it while jumping OS. Please look into that.
Not my idea... I think @effigies and/or @nellh had it: similarly to [uv](https://github.com/astral-sh/uv) which provides .whl files across platforms (see https://pypi.org/project/uv/0.5.26/#files), it…
In order to get IPS Peek running on other platforms, it will need to be migrated to another UI framework (dropping Windows Forms.) I have decided to settle on Avalonia as the framework.
Migration wi…
### Description of the new feature / enhancement
As contributor, I want to test DSC resources cross-platform through Azure Pipelines to ensure quality.
### Proposed technical implementation details…
Now github workflows build.yaml only builds on ubuntu, but to make it cross platform, we need to check Windows and MacOS compatibility. Because of we used docker and make, it shouldn't be much complic…
Lots of the code in WinUAE is cross-platform today, but there are some cases here and there where the general code doesn't compile. This is excluding the Windows specific code of course.
I w…
emoon updated
1 month ago
default air.toml point to `./tmp/main` while It's need to be `.\\tmp\\main.exe` on windows