@jeremyboggs we might implement something like this - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20924471/for-loop-wrap-every-two-posts-in-a-div
I'd propose we just assume that we have a placeholder file …
For some scripts where we are not exposing private data, we do expose the API key. For example [AMY curricula](https://github.com/carpentries/feeds.carpentries.org/blob/main/bin/make_amy_curricula.sh)…
Ref: [Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training](https://www.w3.org/WAI/teach-advocate/accessibility-training/)
Some questions for starers:
* How will we reconcile these related reso…
We have similarly-complex-structured curricula (e.g. how to train on each method and activity) in the /ADIDS folder in the SAFETAG repo.
* A new curricula Collectio…
Zie https://www.nldesignsystem.nl/button/#acceptatiecriteria
Nu we werken met summary en detail, zou ik graag zien dat er een knop komt die alle summary's in een keer uitklapt, zodat je niet vijf k…
Right now the endpoint `/Faculty/Carrera/Plan/ucs` on the curricula_microservice returns all the ids of the curricular units on a determined plan of a career. It would be good to have a new endpoint t…
Is it possible to add a function with wich you can create individual curricula (for each student) based on the existing curricula.
E.g. you select some competences from one curricula and some from an…