Hello, I would like to ask where your code uses D3QN. I was confused when I saw TD3 in the train.py code, and would like to ask you what happened?Additionally, I am also confused about the use of duel…
pytorch has padding_mode=circular
in the AgentBase.py AgentBase.__init__() :
class AgentBase:
def __init__(self, net_dim: int, state_dim: int, action_dim: int, gpu_id: int = 0, args: Arguments = None):
When I try to run the code I get the following error among other things:
Node: 'AssignVariableOp'
Trying to assign to variable with tensor with wrong shape. Expected [10,14,8,32] got [32,6,8,8]
Consolidate nomenclature of filename containing agent name because of match.groupe(1) used in plotter.py. Otherwise, d3qn and d3qn_om both collapse into the same plotting directory, and e_greedy direc…
JAF: too many markers and/or too prominent markers.
Regrets, mappo critic losses, D3QN losses: wrong ylim.
Q-values: something wrong in the way they are computed.
I want to implement your code on my ubuntu 20.04 ROS noetic.
Can you explain how to implement?
Thank you.
`traj_list = [map(list, zip(*traj_list))]` should be changed into `traj_list = list(zip(*traj_list))`
`cur_items = [map(list, zip(*traj_list))]` should be changed into `cur_items = list(zip(*tra…
in "demo_mujoco_draw_obj_h.py"