If #28244 gets merged, the new `dbcv_score` function will need a user guide. I'm just opening this so we don't lose track of that.
I am obtaining negative values for DBCV scores for multiple clusterings I obtain by varying HDBSCAN hyper-parameters. It is my understanding this is impossible for HDBSCAN. Referring to the pap…
The CPU hdbscan [library provides](https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/hdbscan/blob/c5fcf4b3829d391eadd14598736a763952790a82/hdbscan/hdbscan_.py#L1457) a `relative_validity_` attribute, which is a…
I am running the following code:
db = DBSCAN(eps=5, min_samples=9).fit(df)
labels = db.labels_
dbscan_score = DBCV(df, labels, dist_function=euclidean)
but I am havi…
I'm using the validity index in the package, which implements DBCV score according to the following paper:
I'm working on a face clu…
Clustering scores like silhouette work well for K-Means but make less sense for density based clustering techniques like DBSCAN which support arbitrary cluster shapes. It would be nice to include scor…
On my program your dbcv code return nan in some cases (sklearm Calinski-Harabaz and Shilhuette index work well with this data (3 dimensional, about 200-1000 points)).
Hi FelSiq
Thanks for having released and for maintaining this DBCV Python package, it is very useful.
I'm writing here today because I tried to use your function on the toy example data used in the …
I'm working with a very large dataset consisting of 7.5 million rows and 18 columns, which represents customer purchase behavior. I initially used UMAP for dimensionality reduction and attem…
I am working with dataset from a domain of which I'm not an expert. This means that I have neither labels nor ground truth clustering available to me. I am trying to figure out a good way in which I c…