If the multi module POM (root) and the parent POM are different POMs, the the plugin throws the following error:
> Failed to execute goal com.amashchenko.maven.plugin:gitflow-maven-plugin:1.10.0:r…
ghost updated
4 years ago
**Reported by puce on 2015-01-15 16:46 UTC**
Consider to make
- http://www.drombler.org/DromblerCommons/0.5/docs/site/apidocs/org/drombler/commons/action/fx/ButtonUtils.html
- http://www.drombler.org/…
Toggle get deactivated on accelerator.
See e.g. Ctrl+D in the test application (archetype).
**Reported by puce on 2013-12-10 20:05 UTC**
Provide CDI integration:
- Make sure it works well with OSGi
- Make Dockable panes more lightweight by not requiring them to extend a Drombler FX class
- I…
# Overview
Drombler dockable example does not work
# Replicate
1. Download [drombler.zip](https://github.com/Drombler/drombler-fx/files/5406227/drombler.zip)
1. Extract files.
1. Open proje…
ghost updated
4 years ago
Make sure the most important parts contain Javadocs
Provide utility classes for DataHandler based TreeViews
Following the Getting Started version 0.9.
When I run the sample application, and I quit it, the following exception are reported in console:
Stopping JavaFX Application "MyApplication 1.0.…
**Reported by puce on 2015-01-16 14:00 UTC**
Currently the Homepage is autogenerated by Sourceforge.
The project should setup its own custom Homepage and link to
- Drombler Commons
- Drombler ACP
- …