### Paper
Implement EfficientnetV2 proposed in [EfficientNetV2: Smaller Models and Faster Training](https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.00298)
### TODOs
- [ ] develop the model in a scalable way (using `*…
When will the code for EfficientnetV2 be open source
Please help, my command is `python main.py --mode=train --model_name=efficientnetv2-s --dataset_cfg=imagenet --model_dir=D:\Code\Pycharm\automl-master\efficientnetv2\data\`
And it gives me the erro…
Hi, I am using a `TimeDistributed` Layer in model which has an input shape of {10, 150, 180, 3} (10 frames of (w:150, h:180, colors : 3 ) ).
Since my device support a maximum of 4 dimensions, I w…
**Source / repo**
**Model description**
**Literature benchmark source**
**Literature benchmark per…
**Source / repo**
**Model description**
**Literature benchmark source**
**Literature benchmark performance**
I'm using the training script from https://github.com/NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples/tree/master/TensorFlow2/Classification/ConvNets/efficientnet_v2/S/training/AMP/convergence_8xA100.sh on my A100-80G n…
Do you will try to reproduce `Progressive Learning` in EfficientNetv2 ?
# Paper Summarize EfficientNetV2 | My Site
논문 및 이미지 출처 :
Hello, author! I would like to ask, in the PyTorch implementation of EfficientNetV2, is there a pre-trained model implemented on ImageNet1k? Looking forward to your answer.