The name of this exception doesn't indicate this invariant.
Hi guys,
I've been trying to go through the exercise but didn't manage to even start it.
I was expecting some kind of template code to start the exercise. Apparently, the only effect that running th…
Hi John!
I'm working on a new storage layer for the library using Django ORM for easy django integration. However, I find it hard to do in the current setup.
Currently when we save a domain event we…
renou updated
7 years ago
I am currently experimenting with eventsourcing and django and I am getting the following error;
AttributeError: type object has no attribute `__qualname__`
from the ObjectJSONEncoder, it expects `o…
Like in the `Neptuo.Queries`, add `AddAll` method to the `Neptuo.Commands` and `Neptuo.Events`.
maraf updated
8 years ago
http://eventsourcing.com — Eventsourcing for Java (es4j)
Event sourcing framework for Java. Instead of mutating data in a database, it stores all changes (events) and causes (commands). This facilita…
I want to implement EventSourcing, but also -- to be able to query events to get some analytics, and to change my event models without binary compatibility.
Mongo stores objects in BSON. Having …
alari updated
8 years ago
We decided to add some page where we could listen contributor's plugins, which doesn't necessarily reside in akkadotnet organization. This way we could make them more discoverable to potential people …
Hi @andimarek ,
First of all: thanks for this project! I released my first open-source project [vertx-graphql-service-discovery](https://github.com/engagingspaces/vertx-graphql-service-discovery) tha…
Hey, dont know if you've seen the projects already but there is some good efforts put into [eventsourced](https://github.com/eligosource/eventsourced) and [eventuate](https://github.com/RBMHTechnology…