Is it possible to have an example with EventSourcing?
I know it is difficult to implement the EventSourcing on the Legacy.
What are the changes to the level of the reading model and loading the aggr…
We've discussed a few options now, here's the history:
I wrote on 1st December 2015:
> Usually there's a field that determines the uniqueness of an aggregate, and really is not a business rule, but …
I'm trying to decide whether my project should use sagas or (re)actors (or both), and besides the documentation for this project I have also read:
- http://jamesknelson.com/join-the-dark-side-of-the-f…
S: tinytest - Donations.OrgRegistration - registering an organization - signs up an admin and creates the organization : !!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!
Error: key Donations.OrgRegistrationId must not …
Using play 2.4 and slick (in my case with compile time DI using macwire), Id like to do something like this:
``` scala
trait DatabaseModule
extends SlickComponents
with EventsModule {
def ec: …
- Does not currently build in windows
- Way behind in versioning
- Issues aren't being responded to.
Do you consider this project abadonware at this point?
Should we have indexes also on:
priority: 1
retryUntil: 1
after: 1
`getWork` sorts by those fields.
I have not measured anything, this is just by observing que…
mitar updated
8 years ago
Delete of individual messages should not be supported, delete of all messages up to a seqNr should still be supported.
Hello @mweststrate.
I'm trying to use/integrate mobservable with Meteor.
Commented code is tested and working.
This a sample of current proof of concept code:
var afiliado = mobservable.observ…
I really like the ELM architecture that permits to bubble up the state and redispatch it to the tree in the update function.
Comparing it to React, this approach seems to permit to easily replac…