On Death:
- [ ] Fail commits in `('Space.eventSourcing.CommitPublisher')._inProgress`
On Startup:
- [ ] Publish failed commits
@meteor-space/core please add to this
Event Sourcing 事件溯源:https://eventsourcing.readthedocs.io/en/stable/topics/introduction.html
*Originally created by paul-pfc (https://github.com/VNG-Realisatie/Haal-Centraal-BRK-event-sourcing/issues/24):*
...ZODAT ik kan bepalen wie de belastingplichtige is
EN of een WOZ object moet worden…
Currently normalizers used in the `EventNormalizer` are hard-coded, but there is a [TODO comment](https://github.com/neos/Neos.EventSourcing/blob/53fe558af2e49886445a3b1c86fa2f746193bb81/Classes/Event…
It would be very nice if the container (and so the start up script) would support the creation of topics like the wurstmeister/kafka container does, i.e. "--env KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS=eventsourcing-traff…
When state is needed after a command, check if created event was successfully applied, and eventstore returned a beautiful OK that the event was persisted, so in terms of latency, you have now the mos…
How to comply with GDPR regulations which require personally identifiable information (PII) to be removed upon request. This is problematic with immutable, persistent event streams.
There are three…
...ZODAT ik kan bepalen wie de belastingplichtige is
EN of een WOZ object moet worden samengevoegd of gesplitst
Toelichting: zakelijk gerechtigde = zakelijk recht, tenaamstelling en persoon
Suggested anonymously via sticky note at the meetup.
Here is a link to the EventStore.js library: http://eventstore.js.org/
This is what event sourcing is, and seems to be what the above library…