Hi guys,
Have you thought about doing some SEO-friendly blog posts to make your in-progress work more visible?
My recent Google searches for 'python cqrs' and 'python event sourcing' never hinte…
- [ ] snapshot of projection(s) at event X for quicker iteration/replay
- [x] replay until a certain event
- [ ] "Watches": check when the above expressions change
- [ ] ?? breakpoints / step throu…
in UpdatePrimary() method (PrimaryBasedLog…
## Contexte général du sujet
Je m'intéresse de plus en plus à ces deux idées. Si certain(e)s d'entre vous veulent en parler, ce serait un plaisir d'avoir des retours !
- https://martinfowler.com…
The plan here is from the docs. Problem is that we're eagerly evaluating state at every point which is not particularly efficient (TBD, however). This also helps us solve this in a clean way: https://…
Reading some code in my head I always read Daikon\EventSourcing\EventStore\Stream\Sequence as SequenceNumber - especially in places with $from and $to or $headRev or similar.
Dunno what naming is mor…