### Description
Updating a node in the inspector, like `hide`, does not get logged in the EventLog.
### Cause of the issue
In [`ContentRepositoryIntegrationService`](https://github.com/neos/n…
gjwnc updated
1 month ago
It can occur that we need contexts to overlap. For example when one context is dependent on another. An example of this could be permissions.
Example Case:
We have an Item Aggregate in which we h…
### Description
UniCore currently implements CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), DDD (Domain-Driven Design), and Event Sourcing, with working components for event listeners and command d…
We use a **Message Broker** as building block of our message-oriented middleware, which is an architectural software pattern.
It uses publish/subscribe and can be responsible for aggregration, deco…
I tried setting `FOR_MYSQL` to true and `FOR_LEVELDB` to false but the test would not proceed because of null exception.
If you trace these lines:
- https://github.com/VaughnVernon/IDDD_Samples/bl…
# Real MySQL 8장
- n-gram 사용하지 않는 이유 -> 캐싱 오버플로우
- 클러스터링 인덱스는 별도의 저장 공간을 사용하지 않는다?
- pk순으로 정렬된 테이블 자체가 클러스터링 인덱스이다(그렇기 때문에 클러스터링 인덱스는 테이블당 하나만 존재한다)
- 커버링 인덱스는 클러스터링 인덱스가 아닌 세컨더리 인덱스에만 해당하는 용어이다.…
Came from:
* https://twitter.com/webdevilopers/status/1347197290981818370
Symfony DI integeration:
* https://gist.github.com/webdevilopers/38f1f18576251c99b1cd9aad3753c176
On page 24, there is a `recordApplyAndPublishThat` method mentioned, that calls the `recordThat` method and the `applyThat` method. Should the `recordThat` method not simply call the `applyThat` metho…
When attempting to execute action `DiscardPayment`, this error message is returned:
"StatusCode": 500,
"Error": "The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches: \r\n\r\nPayments.A…
I just [published a proposal](https://github.com/krasserm/akka-stream-eventsourcing) how to add event sourcing to Akka Streams. It proposes an `EventSourcing` graph stage that, when joined with an eve…