Let's discus.
One of the proposals was web-shop/e-commerce application.
Any other ideas?
First of all, thank you everyone for joining in on this learning journey. The way it looks right now, we will probably be with ~~7~~ **12** people, all having a very diverse background.
Maybe it's a …
I was searching via `findBy` method https://github.com/qandidate-labs/broadway/blob/41a495d69fba2303622febfb3bc715a0f500c61d/src/Broadway/ReadModel/ElasticSearch/ElasticSearchRepository.php#L91 …
I want to implement EventSourcing, but also -- to be able to query events to get some analytics, and to change my event models without binary compatibility.
Mongo stores objects in BSON. Having …
alari updated
8 years ago
In my test project, I created the following `broadway.*` service definitions (the first 3 listed) to allow me to easily configure a repository (4th service definition below) to pass into my command ha…
There are some gems hardcoded on the gemfile.
gem 'active_event', path: 'D:/arB/projects/eventsource/rails-disco/active_event'
Do you have an example you could post or link to a bare bones implementation?
Is there any plan to eliminate the need to use var for records? I do not mind annotations or macro usage, but using vars for otherwise immutable data structures like events used for eventsourcing and …
This reads `Event\Resolver\ResolvesEventNames` but should be `Event\NameResolver\ResolvesEventName…
I have a few obervations that I hope you'll find helpful:
- One big win easy to acheive is to provide meaningfull information in commit messages. The first 4 commit are all called "initial commit". "i…