It would help to have a general programming model for using Event Sourcing as an approach to managing grain state. Likely that would be an alternative or an extension to the declarative persistence mo…
Has anybody ever thought of using RethinkDB as an distributed [eventstore](http://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html)?
1. having a replayable log of events that update state.
2. …
What do you think of implementing the Command Bus Pattern to ZF3?
The reason is that ZF2 have with the PluginManager a really good Abstraction Layer Pattern, but the user have to create plain Services…
Unable to override Broadway\EventSourcing\EventSourcedAggregateRoot::apply function because of private class properties. Need this functionality to add Metadata to the domain message
aryou updated
9 years ago
Do you have a simple example of how you are implementing this?
Hey Ray,
you've requested some feedback for your repo on the DDDinPHP mailing list. Here it is :-)
Good job so fare :+1: I like the naming convention and the structure.
I only have some hints and a …
Inside an PersistentActor, sometimes users may need to `ask` some other actor to perform validation of a message, before it knows if it can persist it or not. Maybe there's a shared "geo-location addr…
ktoso updated
7 years ago
People new to the concept of Flux seem to consistently have questions on a few areas:
- when actions should be fired, and what they should represent
- how to introduce data from a server
This sugges…
vcarl updated
8 years ago
I would like to see a feature to archive tasks.
My current idea would be something like the following.
* Each task has an archive button which removes it from the board but does not delete it
With this dependency Flow throw an Exception:
> Tried to configure unknown object "Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk" in package "Etg24.EventSourcing".
> Please check your Objects.yaml
"pda/pheanstalk": "3.0.*…