This is a pretty trivial error, not hindering any functionality, but some assemblies have "Microsoft" both as Company and as Copyright, while most of them have "Hibernating Rhinos"
Here are the dlls w…
As of build 465, the samples don't build or run correctly.
Repro steps:
1. Download and unzip build 465.
2. Run ".\RavenDB\Samples\Raven.Sample.EventSourcing\Start Raven.ps1"
3. Observe that the scri…
Some data is a better fit for SQL.
For example, I need to be able to count the number of events on any date (or date range), in any venue (or venue combination), in any category (or category combinat…
mbucc updated
12 years ago
1. Log in as buyer1
2. Go to Companies
3. Go to BP
4. Click Buy
5. Enter 1000 for price to trade and amount of items to trade
6. Click place order
7. Site redirects to company page, but no orders disp…
1. deploy the RI to portal
2. create and register for conference and i am able to complete an end to end happy path scenario.
3. remove the azure tables - event store, message log, WADPerformanceCoun…
A no-arg constructor is needed for the Serializable interface.
---- Test started: Assembly: Azure.Tests.dll ------
Test 'Infrastructure.Azure.Tests.EventSourcing.EventStoreBusPublisherFixture.when_calling_publish.then_deletes_message_after_publishing' failed:
This looks interesting. Is there any documentation, blog post or similar outlining the workings of the project/library?
maacl updated
11 years ago
I discovered the following when I tried to build your project using sbt (I tested your client in a scala/akka eventsourcing POC - https://github.com/kixi/bitcoin-xchange)
[info] \* Error: Unable to w…
kixi updated
10 years ago