We've been hearing reports from users that load performance of Blazor WebAssembly apps on low-end mobile devices can be very slow. For example, this [user on Twitter](https://twitter.com/paulfguz/st…
When substituting a threaded WSGI server for the Flask server, the `messagebus.queue` and `uow.session` can have thread races, with POC [here](https://github.com/cosmicpython/code/compare/master...xta…
xtaje updated
2 months ago
### Basic information
Convention-based annotation attribute overrides was deprecated in Spring Framework 6.0 and will be removed in 6.1. So to be able to support Spring Framework 6.1 we need to fix…
- https://github.com/oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/blob/main/Sample/Helpdesk/Helpdesk.Api/Program.cs#L35
Good to ref for adding more otel info into the application: https://github.com/oskardudy…
Im trying to add new projection to an exisitng project (sample from eventsourcing from this repo) and my assumption was that if I set StartTime (let say DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime()) on Cha…
Hi @eugeis @EugenEisler and cool to see that you are creating pocketbase supported event store and snapshot store. :)
If you would like to verify your pocketbase event store and snapshot store impl…
Hi dear author and all participants, I am still quite new to the whole DDD/Event-sourcing architecture as well as this library, but I do get the idea of the `event recording and replay` idea. But my q…
During replay of an event processor, a `MongoTrackingToken` is wrapped inside a `ReplayToken` as the `tokenAtReset` attribute. I presume that this is necessary to detect when the processor is back at…
TypeError: (0 , crypto__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.randomUUID) is not a function
relying on some node modules